Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Guide to Life

The title of this post sounds sort of odd and there might already be a book somewhere with this title. This was just an idea that was rattling around in my head today at work. What if there was a manual for all things in life that you might or might not go through and how to deal with it? Would you follow the advice word-for-word or just kinda pick it up every now and then for a few hints? This is a ludacris idea and some insane questions to follow. There is not a real book or manual like this, not one that I know of! However there is one book or a collection of books that is a real good guide to life and how to live it. It's a great reference book, history book and contains the greatest love story of all time in it!! Wanna know what it is?  The Bible! It is God's Inspired word, written by mortal men's hands! It's infailable, noncontradictory and is such a wonderful breath of life! It may have been written over 2,000+ years ago, but it is still very, very relative to our date and time, no matter how much our culture changes over the years! Anyways, that was just something that i've been thinking on all today. I hope it might get you to thinking about things, or maybe, just maybe it might inspire you to pick up your copy of the holy scriptures that's been sitting on a bookshelf just collecting dust and crack it open and take in some of God's word and keep it in your heart and carry it with you wherever you might go!  Well, gotta go! God Bless!

Friday, September 2, 2011

This week

We all have those kind of days that are bad no matter what. Whether it's a bad day at work when you don't have what you need at hand and have to go and get it. I know that feeling first hand, those days and weeks sometimes get real old when you try your hardest to work and keep things running the way they should, all the while you feel like you are getting miles behind on other lines or things! Don't get me wrong, i'm content with my job and where i work and i'm still so very thankful that i got to move from 2nd to first shift at work! This week has been kind of a wash out, one to be crumpled up and threw away! Our lives feel like they have been turned upside down, as some who know us could tell u! This week has been so long and drawn out, it feels like you could have fit two regular weeks in the same space as the last 5 days! Sometimes throughout this week i wondered how in the world i would get through the rest of life from here on! All that has happened has really served to put everything in perspective! I pray that God uses this situation that is tragic and turns it into something sooo gooood! Right now, the thought of having anymore kids is the furthest thing from my mind and don't know how that decision can be made from here on. Since we lost our little boy at full term, if we decide to have anymore children, then that thought would be at the forefront of both of our minds! well anyways, i've done deviated from what i started out to write about. I hope things can get better!